来自网友【歪歪316】的评论YDY好像才做到第三集,所以我就看了三集,因为讲的是大学生的生活,所以我还是挺喜欢的。总觉得高中毕业时Ben写给Felicity的那段话比较经典,分享一下:"Dear Felicity, Here it goes, I've watched you for four years, always wondered what you were like, what was going on in your mind when you were so quiet, just thinking, drawing in your notebook. I should have just asked you, but I never asked you. So now, four years later, I don't even know you, but I admire you. Well, this makes me sound crazy, but I'm OK with that. So take care of yourself. Love Ben. PS, I would have said keep in touch, but unfortunately, we never were in touch."